Skin tags and moles removal: indications, risks and procedure

Medically reviewed: 5, February 2024

Read Time:12 Minute

Moles removal: overview

Today, more and more talk about an increasing number of cases of melanoma, a type of a skin cancer. Malignant degeneration of moles on the body and on the face is diagnosed more and more often, and this fact often drives fear even to those whose moles are in perfect order. Moles removal more for a prophylactic purpose, rather than with a curative, is offered in clinics and beauty salons.

Who needs to remove moles? And who better not to touch your own? Which birthmarks are considered dangerous? And what is the danger of the procedure itself?

Risk factors for malignant degeneration of moles

Melanoma – this intimidating medical term means a malignant tumor on the skin. To date, melanoma is almost the most unfavorable type of cancer.

So question is – can a mole or a skin tag become a melanoma?

The bottom line is that the human body reacts to this kind of cancer very poorly, and this means a rapid growth of the tumor. In the shortest time, out of the malignant cells that are unnoticeable to the naked eye, pathology is formed, among other things, also characterized by a high tendency to metastasis.

Metastasizes and relapses melanoma with lymphogenous and hematogenous pathways, which means that the melanoma removed in advanced stages and even the subsequent course of chemotherapy does not mean saving lives.

In addition to melanoma, squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma can also be distinguished. A feature of melanoma in comparison with them is its origin from the pigment cells that produce melanin. This fact directly relates the risk of melanoma to the presence of birthmarks, pigment spots, nevi on the body, as well as the amount and frequency of ultraviolet radiation absorbed by the skin.

Moles and pigmentation spots are the concentration of pigment cells, and sunburn and especially sunburn are not always a factor in the development of melanin. These are the main, but not the only risk factors for malignant neoplasm.

However, for today, for preventive purposes, doctors recommend minimizing stay in the open sun and visiting solariums, and regularly conduct screening examinations of moles.

An idea has been worked out about what is considered a dangerous birthmark. “Dangerous” does not mean that you immediately need to think about removing moles. As an alternative, the patient will be recommended to observe the education in dynamics (annually, every six months, and possibly more often) and, of course, often the rejection of certain preferences (the same solarium and active sunburn).

Moles removal: when should it be done?

Skin tags and moles removal

So, who should take special attention to their birthmarks? Moles in fact everyone has, but it is recommended not to hurry to a dermatologist. Even fewer people actually get into the specialist’s office.

A special risk of degeneration of simple moles or benign skin tumors in cancer have:

  • men;
  • people over age of 50;
  • people with adverse heredity (who had melanoma cases in the family), including pigment xeroderma;
  • people with a large number of moles (congenital or acquired, varying degrees of pigmentation), from age of 50 or more;
  • a person with a specific phenotype that is characteristic of bright skin, light or red hair, freckles, light eyes;
  • people exposed to sunburn (with minimal contact, the skin turns red) or having them in an anamnesis (often burning on beaches, including by negligence);
  • a people with a diagnosed melanoma nevus (benign, but potentially dangerous nevus degeneration);
    people who had previously had melanoma.

The above factors mean that the patient should be observed regularly in a dermatologist to prevent skin cancer. Scheduled skin examinations are conducted annually. According to the doctor’s testimony, a meeting can be scheduled after a shorter time interval. Unplanned treatment to a dermatologist, and possibly an oncologist, occurs if the patient himself has noticed obviously unfavorable changes in moles.

From a mole to a melanoma: signs of dangerous moles

Today, doctors are sounding the alarm because people with melanoma develop to them almost at the latest stages. Given that melanoma itself is not among the diseases with a favorable prognosis, so it is found at a late stage is practically not curable, and the lethal outcome happens too often.

At the same time, melanoma is a disease that is prevented during screening examinations. That is, provided that the population responsibly approaches this issue, attentively treats the condition of their skin and is aware of “alarming signals”, the number of deaths can be significantly reduced.

Our fellow citizens are only at the beginning of this path. But domestic doctors publicly report on those “alarming signals”, watching which at some stage can be assigned removal of the birthmark and thus the exclusion of its malignant degeneration.

The doctors developed a scheme according to which a person, having examined his body at home, can superficially, but appreciate how things are with his birthmarks. So, this is the so-called ACORD formula. This is an abbreviation of five words, indicating some processes in the mole, which can become potentially dangerous:

  • asymmetry – if you conventionally hold a straight line in the center of the mole, on both sides of it you should observe exclusively equal, symmetrical halves; if one half is larger, elongated or with some protuberances, worry;
  • the edge is the theme of the same protrusions; a healthy birthmark is characterized by a smooth and smooth edge; no jaggies, irregularities, deformations;
  • color – no matter dark or light, the main thing is that the uniform and homogeneous;
  • impregnation of a different color, blanching and darkening, all veins and dots, especially gray and red in the mole, are judged by doctors as an alarming sign;
  • size – the smaller the diameter of the birthmark, the less likely the malignant degeneration;
  • but not everything is so simple, one should also take into account the “total size” of nevi, for example, several large moles on the body are better than a large number of small ones;
  • the dynamics of the processes occurring on the mole – if in the course of the life cycle (and the mole has one, some disappear, others are “born”), the mole gets scales, ulceration, surface damage, rush to the doctor immediately.

Regarding the last point. Very often birthmarks are in a few inconvenient places of our body. We can rub them with clothes, cut them with shaving and the like. Such damage to the moles leads to unfavorable processes in them. At the same time, a mole can begin to bleed or peel off and on its own. This is a very alarming signal.

If you have several moles are growing near each other at the same time, then such a mole has minimal chances to turn into melanoma. Just do not rush to pull out the hair regularly, so in fact you break the structure of the nevus.

The presence of the above described signs does not at all mean the presence of the disease, but only its probability. If one or more of the above features can be applied to one or more birthmarks on your body, do not neglect the profile consultation. The doctor will confirm or refute your fears.

What studies are prescribed before the moles removal?

So, you dared and came to the dermatologist. Tell him about his birthmarks, about what’s worrying or just about his consciousness and desire to be regularly observed with him. The doctor will praise, and what will he do next? Undoubtedly, the doctor’s unaided eye is more attentive and professional than yours. But one visual inspection of the birthmark does not end there.

What do you need to check before removing moles from your face?

Before discussing the prospect of moles removal, the doctor should conduct some diagnostic procedures:

  • collection of anamnesis – the doctor evaluates the patient’s complaints, is informed about the presence of previously mentioned risk factors for malignant degeneration of the birthmark, the family and life history of the patient is specified;
  • visual inspection – a professional analysis of the characteristics of the birthmark.


  • Dermatoscopy is also a visual, but already hardware study of skin lesions, does not involve surgery;
  • The doctor estimates the resulting image again for symmetry, uneven borders and heterogeneity of the structure;
  • differential diagnosis between benign and malignant education, but is not the basis for approval of the latter;
  • a biopsy of the skin is already minimal surgical intervention in the structure of the mole, and therefore it is assigned with weighty suspicions of malignancy of the processes;
  • a fence is taken and sent to a microscopic study of a sample of cells from a suspicious area;
  • a biopsy will certainly leave a small scar on the skin, performed under local anesthesia.

Shaving biopsy

  • Shaving biopsy – the most superficial removal of a skin sample, performed with a scalpel, allows to diagnose a variety of skin diseases, however, it may not be enough to detect malignant cells of seized cells on the skin surface;
  • is prescribed with a very low probability of melanoma.

Puncture biopsy

Puncture biopsy – a special area not only removes the epidermis and superficial dermis, but also the dermis in its entire spectrum, and even subcutaneous fat.

Excision and incision biopsy

  • Excision and incision biopsy – used to detect deeply ingrained in the skin malignant neoplasms;
  • the entire skin is excised, the dissection obtained must be sewn;
  • Thus, even the whole tumor (excision) or partially (incisional) itself is removed.

Biopsy of nearby tissues

  • Biopsy of nearby tissues – most often a number of located lymph nodes; appointed with a confirmed diagnosis of melanoma, aims to identify the spread of malignant cells beyond the skin;
  • fine needle biopsy can be used.

Moles removal is assigned only on the basis of the results obtained.

Moles removal: a full medical procedure

So, among the professional dermatologists-oncologists the initiative of the patient to remove the mole is not welcomed only because it is ugly. With less skepticism, a professional will react to your desire to remove a birthmark located in an uncomfortable place where it is permanently damaged (rubbed with a belt, scratched with a razor). But in this case it is better to give preference to more accurate movements and continue to observe the birthmark in the dynamics.

Operative moles removal is subject to patients with suspected melanoma. Then a biopsy is assigned, and if it is an excision, then this is the removal of the birthmark. If the analysis shows malignancy of the processes, then the patient is prescribed antitumoral drug treatment.

It is strictly forbidden to remove the moles on their own, and also to entrust the execution of the procedure to persons without appropriate education. An incorrectly removed birthmark can become a breeding ground for melanoma, and there is a risk of infection of the blood.

Methods of a moles removal

Laser moles removal

Laser – progressive method using a laser beam or a scalpel;

Among the advantages are minimal injuries, painlessness (although local anesthesia is prescribed), absence of burns and scarring, rapid healing;

among the shortcomings of the financial aspect, the procedure is not considered acceptable for excision of malignant neoplasms.

Moles removal using electrocoagulation

Electrocoagulation – assigned to a patient whose mole is not prone to damage;

there is an effect of the current on the mole, then inflammation, redness and crust are formed, after a few weeks it will be rejected by the body.

Liquid nitrogen for moles removal

Liquid nitrogen – treatment of the birthmark with liquid nitrogen of low temperature, its actual freezing followed by destruction;

in the process the mole turns pale, becomes white, and within a few hours the epidermal bladder is formed, within a week it will be repulsed, and in place of the mole there will be a crust, after a while it will disappear.

Surgical moles removal

  • Surgical excision – using a scalpel, a fringing incision is made, both the surrounding healthy skin and the surface layer of the cellulose are captured;
  • then the suture of the formed wound is carried out with the help of a cosmetic suture (atraumatic suture material);
  • remote material is sent for histological analysis;
  • this procedure is very traumatic, it is a full-fledged surgical intervention, but it is only recommended in the case of a malignant degeneration of a mole.

All except the latter method is applied to healthy, but dangerous birthmarks. At the same time, they should be performed in specialized institutions, with the participation of highly qualified specialists. Any way to remove a mole requires special treatment afterwards – do not sunbathe, and sometimes do not wet the skin area.

Check with your doctor how to take care of the area of ​​skin prone to manipulation or surgery.

Even if any of the above listed methods are offered in a cosmetology salon, it is better to prefer a specialized clinic.

Caution! Do not be tempted to remove the birthmark “grandmother” methods.

Can any mole be removed?

Why not just remove the moles you do not like? They may be unsightly, in the wrong place, or you are afraid of their rebirth.

Uncontrolled moles removal for preventive purposes is not recommended by any professional dermatologist.

The first warning about the moles removal is the following – do not remove the mole, if it does not disturb you, you do not interfere, does not cause any discomfort. This does not apply to moles, for example, on the face of shaving men. At the same time, the doctor will soon advise you to be more careful with hygiene procedures than to lie down on the operating table.

The following, at first glance, obvious warning – trust the removal of moles only professional. Today, this kind of procedures divorced too much.

Laser moles removal as an aesthetically beneficial and completely painless offer hardly in any beauty salon. However, bear in mind that the slightest damage to the birthmark during its excision can trigger irreversible processes in the body. In addition, special specialization of the physician and, of course, the above described procedures are required.

To remove a dangerous birthmark is recommended, and not just ugly or inconveniently is a question.

As an alternative to removing moles, a patient can be offered dynamic observation and photographing of moles to a digital camera with subsequent evaluation of the pictures in dynamics.

Removal of moles should be carried out only at the stage when during the dynamic observation the physician will reveal the aggravating pathological symptoms.

And, quite obviously, do not remove moles yourself at home. To scratch and pick out moles – it’s dangerous not only the risk of malignant degeneration of pigment cells, but also the contamination of blood!

Summarizing, we can say that the removal of moles is fraught with infection of blood, the degeneration of previously benign cells into malignant cells. And extremely unprofessional removal of the already formed, but not giving out melanoma is extremely dangerous. Do not joke with your health and trust such a scrupulous procedure as removing moles exclusively to high-class doctors.

This article is written by

Cassandra Westwood - dermatologist
Cassandra Westwood - dermatologist
Dr. Cassandra Westwood is a board-certified dermatologist with a comprehensive background in dermatological care. She obtained her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Throughout her career, Dr. Westwood has contributed to various healthcare institutions, including her tenure at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Her clinical proficiency extends to managing a diverse range of dermatological conditions, such as acne, psoriasis, and skin cancers.

Presently, Dr. Westwood serves as a dermatologist for NetdoctorWeb, a prominent online health platform. In her role, she distills her clinical experience and expertise into accessible articles, offering valuable insights on skin health and dermatological concerns. Through her work, she contributes to the dissemination of accurate and reliable health information to a wider audience.

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